Motivational Teacher

More than just a speaker, Daniel seeks to teach his audience to become the best version of themselves they can possibly be!

Sign Up For The Course

Learn how to master online selling in 4 weeks of intensive online training. You will learn how to generate leads, qualify them and complete the sale process.

You don't need any previous knowledge just great english speaking skills. It's easy fill and submit the form.

  • Market Analysis learn the specifics of your medium

  • Sales Planning design and act on the sales strategy

  • Evaluation Time evaluate campaigns based on results

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    Learn in just 3 days how to improve your online selling techniques by attending Argo's online selling training course. Our instructors are prepared to answer any questions


    Argo's training course will take you through 3 major stages of the online selling process and will help you design your own strategy. Find below this section the details for each day


    Market Analysis

    We'll start the training course by making a thorough analysis of our business environment

    Instructor: Pauline Smith


    Sales Planning

    We'll start the training course by making a thorough analysis of our business environment

    Instructor: Pauline Smith


    Evaluation Time

    We'll start the training course by making a thorough analysis of our business environment

    Instructor: Pauline Smith


    Day 1

    Analyze The Market

    In order to design a successful marketing strategy you need to understand your business environment very well. In this starting chapter, we'll give you the right tools and methods.

    The Right Conclusions

    With all that market data it's very easy to feel overwhelmed so we've prepared a few techniques to help you draw the right conclusions from the market reports. Then you will feel.

    Add More Value

    Especially in crowded marketplaces, it can be difficult to differentiate your course or service from the competition. Argo's course will give you the right skills to help you.

    Day 2

    Sales Planning And Strategies

    Argo's training course enables you to create the best sales plan using Kotler's methodology and sets up your course or service for success.

      Proven strategies which work in real life scenarios

      Effortless planning for time constrained people

      High success ratios for those who are committed

    Day 3

    Campaign Evaluation

    In day 3 of Argo training course we're going to take a look at campaign evaluation methods.

    Performance Reports

    Everyone's scared about generating reports so we've prepared a few great tips & tricks.

    What To Do Next

    Clearly you can't stop learning about your business after 3 days so we'll point you in the right direction.


    When you register you get access to the entire 3 days course which will enable you to understand your business environment, devise a realistic development strategy and how to effectively act on it. Of course we'll also teach you how to evaluate your actions.

    $99 Limited Offer

    Argo's Training Is Going To...

    • Teach you how to analyze and understand your business environment for better, faster decision making

    • Help you find hidden value in your courses and services and launch them successfully on any platform

    • Provide you with the best tactical ideas to act on your marketing strategy and win attendees

    • Teach you how to analyze and understand your business environment for better, faster decision making

    • Highly increase your confidence level to undertake bolder projects in your industry and even in others

    Argo's Training Is Not Going To...

    • Teach you how to analyze and understand your business environment for better, faster decision making

    • Help you find hidden value in your courses and services and launch them successfully on any platform

    • Provide you with the best tactical ideas to act on your marketing strategy and win attendees

    • Teach you how to analyze and understand your business environment for better, faster decision making

    • Highly increase your confidence level to undertake bolder projects in your industry and even in others

    Meet Daniel

    Family Man

    Ashley is the love of Daniel's life. They were married in April 2016 and continue to enjoy the 20-year honeymoon phase. Daniel and Ashley are a dynamic duo of entertainers!

    In 2020, Micah joined the family, and two years later also Joseph arrived! Both are vibrant boys, full of life, adventure, and excitement. And now, they are BIG BROTHERS

    Hannah was born in the summer of 2024. We are all thrilled to have her join our family and are loving all the bundle of joy she is for us.


    Since 1994, Daniel has been a friend of the stage. Later, earning a B.A. in Theatre, he has performed all over the world and loves speaking and entertaining with EPIC Entertainment!

    Daniel's disciplines include acting, singing, public speaking, mascot performer, and the occassional dancing. 


    Currently a Major in the Texas Army National Guard, Daniel has proudly served since 2007, including performing in the US Army Soldier Show in 2012.

    Daniel has deployed overseas twice in 2015 and 2022, but has also been activated for natural disaster response in 2011 and for COVID in 2020-2021. 

    Daniel considers it a tremendous honor to serve his country, state, and community.


    What is Argo and what can it do?

    Argo is a training company specialized in online selling. It will teach you the best online sales tactics.

    Can Argo cover all my training?

    Of course it can, Argo teaches you from A to Z how to create an online brand and start selling your products.

    Is it worth paying that much for it?

    Well that's up to you to decide but we've prepared a 14 days trial period for you which includes access to all.

    How can I signup and get started?

    Just fill out the Sign Up Form and send it to us and you are almost ready to start your online sales training.


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    Use Our Expertise And Argo Tools To Achieve Fast Online Sales Growth And Stable Market Positioning


    Daniel is based out of Austin, TX


    Made with Good Intentions